From the Archives
For news & information from 2018 onwards, please visit our Latest News section. Historical records prior to 2018 are featured below
Water Quality Reports
Water Quality Reports of Lake Glenville are currently provided on a quarterly basis courtesy of Equniox Environmental. Other reporting is conducted by FLG members and volunteers.
Research Articles:
News & Information
Get the latest from Friends of Lake Glenville, including water quality reports, water release notifications, general interest, and news archives more.
Big Fish Stories from Lake Glenville
Former Board member Larry Lively recently caught this 5lb smallmouth bass in Lake Glenville! He released it back into the lake so somebody else could catch it again. What a trooper!
Can you top this one? If so, send your pictures in to
Presidents Past & Present Meet at FLG's Annual Meeting
We held our annual meeting breakfast on Saturday, August 4th at Cornucopia restaurant. In addition to the ususal business, we were thrilled to have a number of our wonderful Presidents, both past and present, in attendance.
Read more: Presidents Past & Present Meet at FLG's Annual Meeting
In Memorium
Robert L. Shuey
It is with great sadness that we remember our friend Bob Shuey, of Signal Ridge Marina.
Bob was an integral part of the fabric of Lake Glenville and he and his family have been great supporters of Friends of Lake Glenville. Our deepest sympathy to Mary, Don, Dan and the rest of the family. A Memorial Service will be held at a later date at Grace Community Church in Cashiers.
For more information, please visit this link.
FLG Makes a Clean Sweep of Lake at 2018 Annual Lake Clean-Up Event
Despite rainy weather forecast in the afternoon, the day dawned brightly with lots of sun and good prospects for the removal of a lot of debris and logs caused by the recent heavy rainfall and high water levels. That didn't stop the FLG crew, though!
Read more: FLG Makes a Clean Sweep of Lake at 2018 Annual Lake Clean-Up Event
PSA: Lake Levels After the Rains & Annual Lake Clean-Up
Many members have asked questions about the very high lake levels that have resulted from the recent heavy rainfall. Our liaisons at Duke have provided the following explanation of how the lake and dam are being managed:
Read more: PSA: Lake Levels After the Rains & Annual Lake Clean-Up
The Many Wonders of Lake Glenville-High Falls Trail and Recreational Water Releases
One of the most spectacular sights around Lake Glenville is the scheduled recreational release of water from the dam. The 2018 season's scheduled recreational releases from Lake Glenville are June 9, July 14, July 28, August 11, and August 25 between the hours of 10 AM to 4 PM.
Read more: The Many Wonders of Lake Glenville-High Falls Trail and Recreational Water Releases
Update on Current Lake Levels as of 2018-01-11
In response to many members inquiries and concerns about low lake levels this month, we reached out to Duke and received the following information: In December, Duke Energy was required to draw the lake down to 86.0 ft. for Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) inspections.
PSA: Do Not Disturb the Gillnets
Have you seen these orange objects floating in the lake this week? If you do, please do not disturb them in any way.
The Walleye Habitat Pinch
Some years back I learned that fishing for walleye on Lake Glenville was most successful in late summer and early autumn, near to and following the time of the FLG Annual Members Meeting, but did not understand why. After some years of sampling with the FLG datasonde, I have developed some insight to this observation that I think will be of interest to members.
President’s Report: FLG 2017 Summer Season in Review
Though the end of summer blew in on hurricane winds, Friends of Lake Glenville experienced a most successful 2017 season. Here are just a few highlights.
Read more: President’s Report: FLG 2017 Summer Season in Review