Impassioned advocates working to ensure the continued beauty, integrity, safety and survival of Lake Glenville

From the Archives

For news & information from 2018 onwards, please visit our Latest News section. Historical records prior to 2018 are featured below

Water Quality Reports

Water Quality Reports of Lake Glenville are currently provided on a quarterly basis courtesy of Equniox Environmental. Other reporting is conducted by FLG members and volunteers.

Research Articles:


In response to many members inquiries and concerns about low lake levels this month, we reached out to Duke and received the following information: In December, Duke Energy was required to draw the lake down to 86.0 ft. for Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) inspections.

After the inspections were complete, the lake level was allowed to return to its normal target level; however, the inflows into Lake Glenville are currently very low due to dry conditions. In the graph below, you can see the lake level was coming up in late December and then experienced a small dip the first week of 2018. This small dip was due to the cold temperatures and the need to meet system demand for power generation. The lake level is now slowly returning to normal. At this time, we are operating only to meet system demand, not for recreational flows. As you can see from the images below, the western NC mountains are 6 to 12 inches behind normal precipitation levels. There is a forecast of 2.5 inches of rain today through Saturday. This should help bring the lake level closer to its target.



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