Impassioned advocates working to ensure the continued beauty, integrity, safety and survival of Lake Glenville

From the Archives

For news & information from 2018 onwards, please visit our Latest News section. Historical records prior to 2018 are featured below

Water Quality Reports

Water Quality Reports of Lake Glenville are currently provided on a quarterly basis courtesy of Equniox Environmental. Other reporting is conducted by FLG members and volunteers.

Research Articles:


The Friends of Lake Glenville have been following up with Duke Energy and Jackson County Public Health to understand the reasons behind the closure of the Beach Access this past Friday, July 26, 2024. E Coli testing showed elevated levels of bacteria. This appears attributable to people visiting the beach and feeding wildlife, geese & ducks at the beach area.

This is only the second time elevated levels have been recorded at the beach access since 2015. Testing occurs weekly during summer season.

Results reviewed this afternoon show a return to normal levels and beach access has been resumed.

Simple activities, causing wildlife to gather in concentrated areas can have unintended consequences.  We will be working with Duke Energy and NC Wildlife to install signage to minimize these activities.

Please work with us to keep our Lake safe in all aspects.

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