Impassioned advocates working to ensure the continued beauty, integrity, safety and survival of Lake Glenville

From the Archives

For news & information from 2018 onwards, please visit our Latest News section. Historical records prior to 2018 are featured below

Water Quality Reports

Water Quality Reports of Lake Glenville are currently provided on a quarterly basis courtesy of Equniox Environmental. Other reporting is conducted by FLG members and volunteers.

Research Articles:


At the cornerstone of FLG’s mission to preserve and protect Lake Glenville is our work to monitor the lake’s water quality and implement the measures we can to ensure it remains one of the cleanest lakes in Western Carolina and is healthy and safe for all those who live, work, and play around it. Our partnership with Equinox Environmental allows us to do just that.

Historically, FLG has made water quality and the long-term health of Lake Glenville our primary purpose. To accomplish this, we rely heavily on regular testing of the lake and tributaries that feed into it. Over the years, our methods have evolved from dedicated individuals donating their time and expertise to outsourcing the scientific work for several years to Western Carolina University.

The onset of a global pandemic made it clear, however, that we needed a consistent and professionally managed strategy that would ensure this vital work could continue regardless of circumstance.In 2020, FLG was awarded a grant from Duke Energy to support and continue to improve FLG’s water testing program. That grant allowed us to establish a partnership with Equinox Environmental, an environmental consulting company focused on conservation and environmental responsibility. Equinox provides the consistency, expertise, and reliability we need to have a successful and on-going program.

How Can You Track the Results?

As part of that multifaceted partnership, Equinox performs testing and provides comprehensive reporting that helps educate our members and inform the local community regarding FLG’s work. These reports are made available to our membership and interested stakeholders by publishing them here on our website.

Our most recent testing is available now and shows some great results as Lake Glenville continues to shine as one of the most pristine and beautiful lakes in the Smoky Mountains.



Forging a Path Forward

In order for FLG to truly preserve and protect Lake Glenville for generations to come, it’s imperative the work we do has the same longevity in both impact and effect. This is why the FLG Board recently approved a project to engage Equinox to establish a long-term Comprehensive Watershed Management Plan.

Visionary in its design, this plan will provide a roadmap moving forward, guiding FLG toward a future where our work is proactive rather than reactive.This plan is scheduled to be available this Spring and will be published on our website for our members to access.

Additionally, we will use this as a tool to work with key stakeholders like Duke Energy, Jackson County, NCDWR and others to continue the pursuit of FLG's goal to preserve and protect Lake Glenville.

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