From the Archives
For news & information from 2018 onwards, please visit our Latest News section. Historical records prior to 2018 are featured below
Water Quality Reports
Water Quality Reports of Lake Glenville are currently provided on a quarterly basis courtesy of Equniox Environmental. Other reporting is conducted by FLG members and volunteers.
Research Articles:
Notice: Lake Levels (Issued 11/07/19)
Tuckasegee Lake requires a three-foot drawdown to perform maintenance on the intake. The lake level will be down approximately one week, but will have no impact on minimum flow. From Dec. 9 to Dec. 30, 2019, Lake Glenville will be lowered to perform maintenance on the spillway gates. This work will require the lake to be lowered 3 feet below the Normal Target Elevation. During this drawdown, the Powerhouse Access Area boat ramps will remain in-service while the Pine Creek ramps may become too shallow for use by some boats. The duration of the drawdown and the time required to refill the lake will depend on weather conditions and river inflows. Duke Energy will provide updates if the schedule changes significantly. For information on current lake levels and conditions, please visit, download the Duke Energy Lake View mobile app or call 800.829.5253.