Impassioned advocates working to ensure the continued beauty, integrity, safety and survival of Lake Glenville

From the Archives

For news & information from 2018 onwards, please visit our Latest News section. Historical records prior to 2018 are featured below

Water Quality Reports

Water Quality Reports of Lake Glenville are currently provided on a quarterly basis courtesy of Equniox Environmental. Other reporting is conducted by FLG members and volunteers.

Research Articles:


Dear Valued Members of FLG,

As previously communicated to you, there are some changes to the FLG Board for this coming year. The Members of FLG were informed by the President in an email on October 20th, 2018, of the formation of a Board Nominating Committee whose task it was to select a Slate of Directors to be presented to the Membership at the Annual Meeting on August 3, 2019. This slate would serve for 2019 and beyond, as determined by the By-Laws. The details can be found in the attachment entitled New Slate of Board Members, Responsibilities, and Terms.

The Slate is comprised of nine(9) Directors from which four(4) Officers will be chosen by the new Board to serve for the coming year. The names of the Officers are also in the attachment. The only vacant position is the Fishing, Duke Liaison, and Governmental Organization Director position being vacated by Richard Tyre. The Board invites anyone with an interest in this position to raise their hand at the meeting or contact the incoming President.

Any member may place a nomination from the floor at the Annual Meeting. Any such member who proposes such a nomination must notify the current President and Nominating Committee in writing at least 2 weeks prior to the Annual Meeting.

If the Slate (as amended by any floor nominations) is approved by a majority of the member households present at the meeting, each Director shall serve the term and have the responsibilities as are decided on by the full Board.

* * * *

Your Board has served FLG admirably for the last three years. Each member has taken on specific responsibilities either as an Officer or as a Director in charge of a specific work area like Social, Water Quality, Treasurer, Sponsors and Membership, Fireworks, Lake Clean-Up, Fishing, Government and Duke relations to name just a few areas that FLG is passionate about. I would like to thank three retiring Officers and Directors for all their tireless hard work over the last many years: Ray Jimison as Treasurer, who is staying on the Board to work with George Dalzell as Director of WCU Liaison, Rich Becherer, for his many years of service to the organization, and my wife, Lynn for her many, many years on the Board and as Social Director. It has been an easy task for me to guide such a committed and fun group.

After three years at the helm it is time for new blood. Given that the current Board’s Slate is voted in by the membership at the meeting, it is with great pleasure that I welcome four new Directors and Officers, as follows: Richard Tyre as President, Martha Lutz as Treasurer, Rebecca Wiler as Lake Clean Up Director and David Bryson as Social Director. Welcome to you all and I hope we are able to continue to increase our membership level and to do the work of Preserving and Protecting our wonderful Lake Glenville into the future.

We encourage all members to attend Friends of Lake Glenville’s annual meeting at Cornucopia Restaurant on Saturday, August 3, 2019. Board members will present their reports of progress made over the past year and plans for the coming year as well. Cost is $20 per person with advanced registration online at our website.

Best Wishes,
David Leach, President
Friends of Lake Glenville

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